Friday, April 24, 2009


union rings from the black pit extra mayo ashtaroth
on thy left hand ashtaroth o master and a dirt coke
on thy right hand from the black piy and a dirt cole
mocharl from the black pit extra mayo lettuce anf tomato

micharl in light rye lettuce and tomato and firty depths
on light ryechicken salad and firy depths
ashtaroth and onion rings on thy keft hand ashtaroth o
masterfrom the black it chicken salad extra mayo

oniopn rongs chicken salad on thy right hand o masyrt
michael on yjt left hand lrttuce and yomayo onion rings
extra mayo michark chicken salad on light rye lettuce
and tomato and a diet coke o master on light rye and

fiery depths on thy right hand and a diet coke and
fiery depths on thy right hand on thy left hand only one

refill the lonely rain and another the new girl
trembling only one refill in the ashtray in
the doorway has no name tey in the ashtray between

his fingers the new girl ony onerefill in the diirway
trembling in the ashtray sudenly te cops red yellow
and grren tremblinh in the ashtray has no name yet a
lucky suddenly the cops the lonely rain a lucky red

yellow and green a lucky has no name yet between his
fingers sudekly the cops and another red yellow and
grren a lucky the lonely rain trembling suddenly ye
cops fuzzy lights and another the new girl fuzzy lights

and another the lonely rain only one refill fuzzy lights
and another red yellow and green the new girl in
the doorwat beteeen his fingers has no nane yet
fuzzy lighs take the express



Anonymous said...

this makes me want to drink lysol. i like it.

rhoda said...

would you like a lemon in your lysol? thanks for linking to this and my other sites